Again 2017 was somewhat above normal with respect to precipitation. The total was 20.24 inches. March and April were on the wet side with 7.78 inches in those two months alone. Two days feature more than 1" of precipitation. Those dates were March 23 and November 17.
Nothing unusual here. The maximim wind speed was 45 mph in March and the predominant wind direction was SSW as expected.
No 100 degree days this year, but 90s June through September. The low was 1.9 F on January 1st.
Total precipitation was above average with a total of 21.28 inches. The first half of the year saw well above normal precipitation, including June. The second half was below normal.
As is usual at this location, winds don't often exceet 50 mph. The dominant direcion is SSW which is common.
The end of June 2015 was very hot! But, overall the summer was rather normal. June 29 was the hottest day of the year, 102 degrees. January 27th and December 9 were the coldest at 3.6 and 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit. There were 44 days over 90 degrees and 116 where temperatures fell below freezing. There were 15 days where the temperature never reached above freezing, most of those were in December. That's a few less than in normal in a full year.
The total of 18.86 inches of precipitation is just a bit below the normal of around 20 inches. September and December were the wettest months with 1.06" during the monsoon, and 1.21" as winter set in along the Wasatch Front. That said one day in each of those months had most of the precipitation for the month. The Spring months recorded lower than normal precipitation.
This weather station in North Sandy is located is a spot in the Salt Lake Valley where the winds seldom roar. That was true again this year with a maximum wind speed of just 42 mph. That's not much! The high wind speed was recorded on November 3, 2015.
Climate is changing for the warmer. I used to mow my lawn for the last time the first or second week of October. Now I mow it for the final time the last week of October or the first Week of November. The highest temperature for 2014 was 101.7 degrees on July 14, and the coldest temperature was 0.1 degrees on the last day of the year December 31st. Twenty-four days over 90 degrees in July was exceptional. Only 10 days with the high temperature less than 32 degrees was also abnormal.
The total precipitation of almost 20 inches is not far below normal. July and September had exceptional precipitation as the "Summer Monsoon" was much more active than usual. Some very heavy rains occurred both months. 1.71 inches on September 27, was the most every observed in a single day. That was the last major event of the Summer Monsoon of 2014. Winter precipitation was clearly below normal, as March, April and May together were less than normal and contributed to the below normal total for 2014.
This location in Sandy Utah never experiences severe winds. The highest for the year was 48 mph on April 13th. Just a few mph lower than the highest speed ever recorded here since records began in 1997. The dominate direction of SSW is a bit different than NW which is the most typical wind direction at this location.
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